Dr. Elizabeth A. Yoe served our Nation around the globe, during peacetime and conflict, with the United States Navy and is now a retired veteran, Elizabeth is a Navy “mustang” and “Limited Duty Officer (LDO),” and served as an Intelligence Officer with a myriad of assignments and completed tours that included the US Navy Seals, Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Fleet Intelligence Training Center Pacific, and Joint Task Force (JTF) tours with Immigration Custom Enforcement (ICE), Custom and Border Protection (CBP), US Coast Guard, and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) to name a few of her key assignments in keeping our Nation safe. Her overseas work efforts supported Allied Command Europe-Counterintelligence (ACE-CI), Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), coordinator/translator on the US American “Troop Train” between West and East Germany, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Ford Aerospace Program, and her final military assignment was at the Pentagon in the role of Deputy Aide de Camp for the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) Intelligence.
As a member of the San Diego Miramar Lions Club (SDMLC), a chapter under Lions Club International (LCI), a non-profit organization, she continues helping people and communities around the globe in an all-volunteer status. She has served as a team member, as a leader in the role of Vice President, and, most currently, as President of the San Diego Miramar Lions Club.
Elizabeth holds a B.S., M.B.A., and Ph.D., and is an academic advisor for Ph.D. students and a private sector Business Consultant/Notary Public.