Our local food bank provides food to more than 500 nonprofits that operate feeding programs that is then distributed to people in need in their areas. These nonprofits include soup kitchens, shelters, churches with feeding programs, schools, senior and disabled living facilities, and food pantries. https://sandiegofoodbank.org/about/our-impact/
On March 5, 2021, the San Diego Miramar Lions Club donated to the San Diego Food Bank Senior Food Program, which is a federally funded program that provides monthly supplemental food packages to income-eligible senior citizens aged 60 and over. The SD Food Bank administers the program and distributes USDA-provided food at 45 distribution sites every month in communities throughout San Diego County.
As shown on the San Diego Foodbank’s website, If you or a member of your household at least 60 years of age or older and meet the household income requirements found on the SDFB website, please call them directly for more information. The Food Bank staff can be reached at 1-866-350-FOOD (3663) to determine if you qualify for the SENIOR FOOD program. If qualified, you will be provided information about the location and hours of your nearest food distribution site. You may be eligible to receive a box of food and possibly receive a monthly food package from a site close to you monthly. Currently, they have approximately 50 food distribution sites that help seniors living on a fixed income.
Senior Food Box Sample
What types of food are distributed?
Each participant receives one 30 pound box of food every month that is filled with a variety of nutritious food items. The box usually contains the following items: reduced-fat milk, instant non-fat milk, canned meats, peanut butter, canned fruits and vegetables, cheese, rice, pasta, fruit juice and cereal. https://sandiegofoodbank.org/programs/senior-food-program/
***Thank you to the San Diego Food Bank for providing the above information on the Senior Food Bank Program and use of their photos for this article.