We support others throughout the community, we also support our Lion family. There is a rich and long history of the clinic in San Diego. The San Diego Lions Optometric Vision Clinic is in downtown San Diego with a mission of offering free or discounted vision services as needed to our community. The Lions Optometric Vision Clinic (LOVC) was created in 1963 as a service project, with the support of the local San Diego County Lions Clubs in California. The LOVC provides vision care to individuals in our community that could not otherwise afford adequate care. This service has provided eyeglasses to over 10,000 individuals. More than 200 San Diego agencies currently refer patients to the clinic. It has been the tireless effort and dedication of volunteers from the Lions Club and the San Diego County Optometric Society that have made this a successful project ( https://lionsvisionclinic.org/about/). The COVID-19 pandemic that began in March of 2020 wreaked havoc on the Lions Vision Clinic. Hearing about the challenges the clinic was experiencing due to the prolonged effects of COVID on their patients, doctors, and the clinic itself, the LY 2022-2023 District Governor of San Diego and Imperial Counties District 4L6, Lion Jay Ruiz, Jr., announced the San Diego Lions Optometric Vision Clinic as an Endorsed Project of the District. The San Diego Miramar Lions Club fully supports the District’s endorsed projects and donated $100.00 in support of their valuable mission – giving the gift of vision. Thank you, LOVC!