During the month of September, the SD Miramar Lions Club continued networking throughout San Diego County with local businesses and the community, to collect and donate eyeglasses, lenses, and cases to reduce the cost of eye care to our local community members. SDMLC now receives calls monthly to pick up glasses at a variety of locations. From La Jolla to Escondido, the lions of the SDMLC took to the road to pick up collected glasses, count, sort, and donate. Partnering this month with the SD Rancho Bernardo Lions Club, a total of 423 clear glasses, 65 sunglasses, and 162 cases were donated for reissuance to those in need. SDMLC collected 159 clear, 31 sunglasses, and 98 cases in total. Thank you PRIDE for your hard work! Let’s continue the “VISION” of helping others.