San Diego Miramar Lions Club Teams with Nolah, Inc. at “San Diego’s December Nights” to Help Raise Funds for ADA Modifications for Disabled Veterans in Their Homes.
“December Nights” is San Diego’s largest free festival with more than 350,000 attendees. Attendees can enjoy a variety of entertainment, tasty international culinary treats, and experience Balboa Park museums. This year, December Nights celebrated its 42nd anniversary, with over 35,000 people in attendance. NOLAH, Inc., a 501(c)3 charity, that works in disaster recovery and ADA modification for disabled veterans, rented a booth, and invited the San Diego Miramar Lions Club members to join them staff their booth at Balboa Park.
During the December weekend, Lions, dressed for rain and inclement weather, helped served adult refreshments within the December Nights Craft Beer & Cocktail Garden raising money to make needed ADA modifications to homes of disabled veterans. The Saturday volunteers were lucky enough, during one of the shifts, to even send an early “Christmas Cocktail” to Santa who jovially made his rounds to each booth in the garden.
SDMLC Lions made some new and lasting friends at Nolah, Inc., learned a great deal about adult beverage offerings in and around San Diego, and even “danced” the shift away to tunes that were emanating in, around, and out of our booth. We think you’ll have to view the pictures and video for that “treasured memory.”
Thank you Nolah, Inc., for this opportunity to serve our community. We are grateful to have established a partnership with you. The Lions of SDMLC thank you for your mission to help disabled veterans. We hope we can team up again in the future.