We know that an environmental “Community Cleanup Project” demonstrates that people who live or use an area of the neighborhood care about its appearance. Crime is less likely to occur when a Community Cleanup Event by a neighborhood helps minimize trash and litter, and camaraderie by residents and their friends is demonstrated.

By tidying up shared community areas, parks, or playgrounds, eliminating debris from a vacant lot, or sprucing up sidewalks and public spaces along a public roadway, the overall neighborhood becomes more attractive to the whole community, which makes the environment a safer place for all to share and enjoy. Spending the day disposing of trash and litter also reminds us to be kind to Mother Earth and our shared environment.
The Lions of the San Diego Miramar Lions Club took a look around their neighborhoods and communities, and noticed that there were areas of the neighborhoods needing a little “tender loving care.” We decided it was time for an “ALL-HANDS” clean-up that would involve citizens from the local neighborhoods, family, and friends. Meeting behind a local gas station, we gathered on a Saturday morning in August, to pick-up trash and debris along Miramar Road. It was just our luck to pick a day of “record heat” to complete our ENVIRONMENT project, but there no complaints – just hard work, smiles, and camaraderie even while each of us were in masks and gloves. We collected several bags of trash and completed this project just in time to grab “nap time” right before lunch! Great work everyone for taking care of Mother Nature.