On February 29, 2020, a leap year Saturday, the SDMLC Branch joined together with Lions from all over San Diego to celebrate their “Charter Night” at the Royal Banquet Hall, San Diego. A stunning venue, the entire Banquet Hall was softly lit, with shades of pastel blue and pink lightly skipping across the walls. The stage was decorated with white and gold balloons, twinkle lights, and was readied for the night’s entertainment. Oh, what a night it was…
Charter Night began with a committed and dedicated four-man, MCAS Miramar Marine Color Guard performing drill movements in and around the hall. We were fortunate that the MCAS Color Guard team were able to join us for the entirety of evening festivities. After the distinguished posting of the Colors, the National Anthem was performed by Lion Rose San Pedro and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Sandi Ambrose. Protocol provided by Lion Jay Ruiz, Sr. Reverend Johnny Lewis provided the opening invocation and blessed our meal and guests. SDMLC’s event Master of Ceremonies was Lion Julio DeGuzman of the La Jolla Presidents Lions Club (LJPLC).
The 4L6 District Governor Lion Norm MacKenzie was front and center celebrating and installing the SDMLC Board of Directors and new Lions, while Past International Director Bill Crawford presented the SDMLC Charter Certificate and congratulated each of us with words of wisdom while demonstrating his overall commitment to Lions Club International.
As we rolled into the program, the evening’s entertainment began with the 33-member Patriot Chorus Group from Patrick Henry High School led by Chorus Director Rachel Samuelsz. They were followed by Leo Melanie Jimenez, an American Idol contestant and Disney’s Mulan & Moana live-stage lead singer. Closing entertainment was provided by the San Diego Taiko drum group with invitations for members of the audience to join them on stage during their live performance. Many members of the audience had this fantastic opportunity to do so including our USMC military guests.
Our Charter Night dinner, on tables decorated with fine crystal lamps and crisp white linen, included a delicious buffet, complete with garlic chicken and beef pot roast, salad, vegetables, hot buttered rolls, and two desserts. It was simply delicious, and everyone commented on how tasty everything was that night. A no-host bar, located at the back of the celebration hall, was very convenient for those that wanted to partake of just “a little bit more” for dinner.
Lion Jen Huege presented Closing Remarks on behalf of SDMLC before everyone donned their “dancing shoes.” With good times all around, we continued dancing the night away with DJ Lion Mel Zaragosa. His performance was nothing short of terrific!
As the residing SDMLC President, I want to personally take this opportunity to, once again, thank all the Lions Clubs and their members who showed their generous support by attending our Charter Night. Your commitment to the family of Lions, both new and old, was demonstrated with your presence, hugs, smiles, and leadership. I would be remiss not to mention the San Diego Majestic Lions Club and their huge “two table” turnout showing their “Lion Pride” to and for our new team. Finally, thank you to those clubs who contributed “seed money” to get our club started, to those Lions and guests who provided a personal check (you know who you are), to our sponsoring club – La Jolla Presidents Lions Club who purchased and presented our Club banner, and to San Diego TFC who purchased and presented our Club “gong and gavel.” We are now “all set” to continue our contributions as an OFFICIAL CLUB. Yay Lions!