The Lions donned sunscreen, hats, and gloves to engage in a join environmental beach cleanup in San Diego’s Belmont Park located along the beautiful beach area of Mission Bay on February 21, 2021. The project was lead by Lion Jen, and the day included gorgeous San Diego weather. We could not have been luckier considering the Lions were wearing masks and gloves in adherence with the COVID-19 guidance. Blue skies, soft breeze, and the sun shining brightly, the clean-up project hardly seemed like “work.”
Starting at Surfrider Square around 10:00am, trash bags were passed out, safety guidance given, masks/gloves were donned, and the walk to clean the beach began. Some PRIDE members walked southward in a “spaced workline” while other members walked north. Community members who were on the beach were vocal of their appreciation and thanks for our efforts to keep our environment safe, clean, and tidy for all to enjoy. Hearing from the community lifted our sense of duty and pride – some community members even rallied to help and pitch in. During the clean-up, the PRIDE found some strange items on the beach: a computer thumb-drive, a full lunch bag sitting abandoned, a block of wood, part of a tire, and more.
We met back at the Square, took a few pictures, and compared notes of our “treasured” findings of trash. Lots of conversation, lots of sharing, lots of Lion camaraderie. Great project and we can’t wait to do it again. Join us at our next clean-up event. Everyone is welcome! Thanks Lion Jen for leading us to success on this project for community.