The Lions Clubs in and around San Diego and Imperial Counties are coming together to purchase a very valuable piece of vision equipment – a PORTABLE GLAUCOMA TESTING MACHINE valued at $4,000 (and tax). Measuring intraocular pressure it for detecting glaucoma which is an eye condition that can lead to blindness if untreated. This portable piece of equipment makes it easier to measure intraocular pressure in the eye that can be used anywhere with the easy portability, and, with specific training, you don’t have to be a doctor to use it. The use of portable glaucoma testing equipment is spreading in underdeveloped countries as well due to the ease of use in the field. Supporting LCI’s goals of vision, the San Diego Miramar Lions Club has contributed to this important project by donating monetarily toward the overall cost. SDMLC – helping to give the gift of VISION to others.