During the month of February and March, the SDMLC readied and engaged in a Community Garage Sale. We peeked and sorted through those “nooks and crannies” in our homes that held a precious vase, a once-appreciated coffee cup, a toy no longer played with, and those items we could not remember how we had acquired and stored them for oh so long. Closets that contained clothes no longer worn were removed and placed into sale boxes for others to find. We gathered the night before in the garage to sort box after box of donations, swapping stories, and even purchasing items from each other before the official start of the sale.
Finally, during the wee hours of March 7th and before the sun came up, the SDMLC Lions, dressed in their Lion pride t-shirts, placed items into multiple driveways for a 0700 start to our first annual Community Garage Sale. With coffee cups and baked scones in hand, we were ready! Our community neighbors showed up one car after another, on a bike, some from next door, and another walking their dog from “just down the street.” Our Community Garage Sale was a huge success thanks to our active neighborhood. We finished right before lunch and donated whatever was left to the local Goodwill organization so that others could benefit from our unsold items. We had a good time performing this event which will benefit multiple, charitable causes. The SDMLC “ROARED” in the garages, with the box barrages, and, afterwards, thought we needed massages. It was a good morning!!!