In March, Mesa Verde Park received a “deep clean” by the San Diego Miramar Lions Club on a beautiful, warm Sunday morning. Our ENVIRONMENT project was led by Lion Tommy Hough.  The PRIDE took a quick group photo, and then we spread out across the park with our “trash-pickers,” bags, and gloves –  sharing fellowship, a few quick laughs, and a plan to finish the project in under two hours. The SDMLC Pride filled 10 bags of trash in under two hours picking up “take-out” food boxes, cigarette butts, old cardboard, a lost shoe, broken sunglasses, a half tire, and a HVAC filter. Wow! There was no shortage of plastic water bottle caps, metal beer caps, and broken glass. At the end of the morning, we left the community park a great deal cleaner than we found it. Thank you Lions of the San Diego Miramar Lions Club for a job well done that was successful all the way around …helping Mother Nature and lion fellowship!