On Saturday, January 14th, the members of the SDMLC attended the annual Melvin Jones Luncheon. Award lunch cuisine this year included tacos, enchiladas, rice, beans, and more. Delicious and there were seconds available too! There were approximately 120 Lions in attendance and many received awards and recognition for their generous monetary donation to the LCIF fund. The LCIF fund has struggled with donations due to the disruption caused by COVID-19 and months of sheltering in place with an uncertain economy. The LCIF Fund helps any country and community around the globe when disaster strikes so replenishing this fund is quite important.
The President of the SDMLC was called upon to receive her 3rd Diamond Melvin Jones pin for her personal contributions to LCIF helping communities and their citizens around the world. The Founder of Lions Club International, Melvin Jones, created this award recognition program to honor and recognized those who contribute an amount of $1000 over/during the course of the lion year. Thank you to everyone who attended, congrats Melvin Jones Awardees, and let’s keep roaring together in LY 2023-2024. All, the club congratulates Lion President Liz on receiving her 3-Diamond pin. Great lion fellowship all the way around, and do plan to attend the annual award luncheon next year in January!