Handmade “Toiletries Bags” were hand-sewn and filled with basic toiletries for women located at the Battered Women’s Shelter in San Diego. A group of five Ladies ( 2 were former Lions) get together periodically to make pretty bags filled with toiletries (soaps, shampoos, lotions, toothbrushes, and toothpaste). Much of the time is worked independently gathering the material, cutting it out, sewing together, adding a lacy fringe and tie strings, getting the toiletries, stuffing the bags, and transporting them to the receiving agency, the “Battered Women’s group” in downtown San Diego). 65 assorted designs were created for these toiletry bags (see photo). Lion Sylvia’s participation time was over 520 hours, over several months, as she made 65+ toiletry pouches X 8 hours to complete. What a wonderful way to bring a little smile back to women having to ensure horrific situations with much-needed items. The toiletry bags are absolutely beautiful and gifted with a big heart. Thank you, Lion Sylvia!