The SDMLC supported the SD Lions District 4L6 Optometric Vision Clinic project by continuing to develop relationships with multiple big, box store organizations, churches, libraries, and more. In doing so, the PRIDE collected 482 pairs of clear eyeglasses, 44 sunglasses, 126 eyeglass cases, 216 pairs of lenses, 2473 pairs of contacts in new/original packaging, and 2 large bags of nose pads for eyeglass frames/glasses during a 2.5week period and delivered them on July 1st to the San Diego Lions Optometric Clinic in downtown SD. This July donation included 3215 pairs of eye contact lenses/eyeglasses (approx. 2000 pairs were brand new), 126 eye cases, and 2 large bags of nose pads (approx. 200prs.). The July collection and donation was the PRIDE’s largest contribution ever with over 3200+ pairs that can be refurbished and reissued to our communities in need. Thank you community, thank you lions. Let’s continue to ROAR together!!!