The San Diego Miramar Lions CLub (SDMLC) will support the efforts of the San Diego Food Bank located off of Miramar Road in San Diego by packing food for those in need around the county. We currently have space for 15 volunteers, but first come, first serve. We will don our Lion working shirts, and volunteer as a team there on Tuesday evening from 6:00pm to 8:00pm, November 26, 2019 – just in time for Thanksgiving.
Space is limited. Click here to signup!
The Lions have volunteered at this non-profit before, and it is loads of fun, comraderie, and friendship. Those Lions that worked this event last year, packed over 6000lbs of food for distribution to the community the very next morning supporting Lions Club International’s goal of helping in the “hunger” arena. Come join us at this worthwhile event. Early registration is required, and there is only space for 15 volunteers. Minors must be accompanied by an adult to participate with a minimum age of 11 yrs.
We hope to see you there!