One of several Lions Clubs International’s global causes is Vision. In support of this cause, SDMLC is holding an eyeglass donation drive.
We are collecting all types of eyeglasses from October 10 through November 28, 2019.
Please help by collecting old eyeglasses, sunglasses, and children’s glasses not just from your own home, but from your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors! All eye glasses are accepted even if the lenses are scratched or have no lenses at all. Each pair will be recycled for the needy around the world.
Lion Sonia, one of our newest members, will be making a trip to the Philippines with these donated glasses, along with many she has already collected, to reuse the glasses for those in need there.
Lion Liz has purchased yellow plastic buckets from the Dollar Store and added a little sign to each bucket requesting old glasses, sunglasses, kids glasses, etc. on behalf of the Lions Club. (We collected 600+ pairs of glasses over a few months in past drives!)
Please place them at your work or ask the owner of businesses you frequent to have a bucket there. In December, we will be collecting the glasses and buckets. Thank you for your participation!