District 4L6 Northwest Region Chair and San Diego Miramar Lions Club Charter President Lion Liz Yoe held the MD4 Zone-level Student Speaker (SS) Contest on Saturday, March 18th, supported by several SDMLC lions and Lions Greg Cody from the Rancho Bernardo Lions Club and Paul Walters from the El Cajon Lions Club.
The MD4 Lions Student Speaker contest is held each year at the Club, Zone, Region, District, Area, and State level to provide an opportunity for high school students headed to college an equal chance to compete for scholarship money that increases at each level. The Region level awarded $250 via check to the winner. The Region-level contest was held at the Mira Mesa Public Library with five (5) participating judges who work in the community, three lion timers, two lion tellers, and a wonderful audience. Congrats to our winner at the Region level! The winning contestant now moves on to the District-level contest held in April 2023. The District competition will take place at the Blind Community Center on Upas Street in downtown San Diego. Well done students, thank you volunteers.