The PRIDE of the San Diego Miramar Lions Club is continuing to ROAR throughout San Diego and beyond. Vision is so important for healthy living. For those in need, the San Diego Lions Optometric Vision Clinic, operating in downtown San Diego, offers eye screening and glasses to continue the gift of vision for so many. Most of their glasses are donated eyewear that has been repurposed, refurbished, and repaired for their
patients. The SDMLC Pride, partnered with community and the San Diego Rancho Bernardo Lions Club, gathered over 1000+ glasses, sunglasses, cases and eyewear cleaning cloths this month to donate toward extending the gift of vision for our communities in need. Every part, frame, screw, case, and cloth is examined to determine if any part of the product can be used saving money while reducing the impact on Mother Nature as well.
In addition to the eyewear, the Lions collected six hearing aids with cases, two hearing aid cases, one boxed Starkey hearing aid and case with ten sets of batteries, one Siemens hearing aid dehumidifying jar, nine new packs of hearing aid batteries, one box of Cedis hearing aid cleaner, one Oticon case with batteries, one ear mold air syringe, one pack of hearing aid/battery plastic storage bags, one package of earplugs, one pocket talker Ultra personal amplifier, and a Surflink hearing aid remote control system
with batteries. These items will offer the gift of hearing to multiple neighbors in our many communities. Wow, we are so fortunate for all these donations.
Thank you everyone for your continued efforts to collect and donate, helping us, help others. On behalf of the community and all these generous gifts to others who could otherwise not afford them, thank you!