On any given day in the city of San Diego, there are approximately 5,000+ people who are homeless. Of this population, there are, at last count, 1350+ military veterans who are homeless. Each year, the Veterans Village of San Diego provides a myriad of services for at least 3,000 veterans. Veterans Village of San Diego (VVSD) has served all veterans since 1981 and is dedicated to “Leave No One Behind.” VVSD is the only program of its kind in the United States, and is nationally recognized as the leader in serving homeless military veterans.
The San Diego Miramar Lions Club and the La Jolla Presidents Lions Club learned of the need for underwear and socks during a recent July visit to the downtown facility. The two Lions Clubs teamed up to provide 50 pairs of underwear and 50 pairs of socks to our military veterans in residence at the Veterans Village of San Diego during the month of July 2020. Thank you Veterans Village of San Diego for allowing us to contribute to our brave military veterans who served this United States of America, and who are currently homeless.