In the small town of Niland, CA, located close to the Salton Sea, a fire during the last few days of June devastated a community destroying 40+ homes and took a life. It started in the brush, but quickly raced into the surrounding residential area. Fire support from Imperial County, nearby Yuma, and El Centro were all on hand to help control and extinguish the fire. Forced evacuations took place, and the fire raged.

The “Call to Aid” was issued by Lion District 4L6, and the San Diego Miramar Lions Club quickly answered the call. In less than two days, over 400 bottles of water, assorted clothing, food, blankets, pillows, sleeping bags, travel bags, suitcases, toiletries, money, and more were donated toward the effort to help those who had lost their homes.

While the San Diego Miramar Lions Club immediately began gathering items to help the fire victims, local neighborhood citizens in San Diego also pitched in donating water and food. Together, we were able to deliver all the donations within two days.

Niland, CA – the San Diego Miramar Lions Club has all of you in our hearts, thoughts, and prayers as you begin to recover from the devastation caused by this fire.