The cool, brisk air and early morning sky on January 11th were no challenge for the Lions trying to raise money for the kids at Rady Children’s Hospital. The weather, as it turned out at event start, was absolutely beautiful, and the lake glistened majestically. SDMLC Lions, joined by the community, and even a few furry friends, walked the 5K distance at Lake Miramar. Our combined walking/running efforts helped raise $450. While a few more possible “pledged” dollars are outstanding, we were happy with the overall results. This fundraiser will buy a lot of creative art/craft items for kids to engage with while staying at the hospital for treatment.
We also want to publicly thank our CPR volunteers who got up early to support us at the Lake and endured the “parking nightmare” on Saturday morning. (But we were very glad we didn’t “need” them.) Our special thanks to those CPR volunteers. Also, extra thanks to Lion Vince, SDMLC, who got up extra, extra early to swing by and get us the coffee and DONUTS we so desperately desired after the long, long, 5K walk/run. LOL!
Seriously, thank you everyone for your generous efforts, Lion sponsorships, and those who gave up your morning on a weekend for this great cause. The kids at Rady Children’s Hospital will be sooo happy. We hope to see you again next year at our annual 5K walk/run. Do take time to join us – walk for health, walk for the kids, just walk!