Ms. Amy O’Connor. Amy is a Manager at San Diego Oasis (Lifelong Adventure). San Diego Oasis, a nonprofit organization, is dedicated to successful aging. With a strong focus on lifelong learning, healthy living, and volunteer community service, San Diego Oasis enriches the lives of older adults by keeping them active and engaged to prevent social isolation and sedentary behavior. With over 1,700 classes, San Diego Oasis encourages older adults to continue to pursue their dreams and discover life after 50 – offering a wide variety of classes for all interests and hobbies including: language, arts, crafts, humanities, exercise and wellness, personal finance, technology, and travel activities. Amy manages the volunteers and office.
Amy has a B.A. and Masters in Public Administration with strength in project management, planning, and execution ensuring the most exacting outcome. She is very detail-oriented, organized, and also has a great deal of experience in the financial services industry. Additionally, she has volunteered and lead a myriad of events and projects, throughout her career, from initiation to completion with “5-star” results Amy strongly believes in community and our global reach around the world. Lion Amy has been a Lion in good standing for over two years now, and works closely with her husband, Lion Ryan, supporting the overall LCI goals of hunger, environment, vision, children with cancer, and diabetes projects as a volunteer, supporting creative efforts, and generous contributions in all our events.